This should be freeing.
The culmination of a lifetime of pursuing detachment as a grand overarching strategy for coping with the rigors of life. A path set upon as a direct result of being born seeing too keenly, being too aware, and quickly making count of the chips i started with, and correctly, harshly, shrewdly assessing that i had no hand to play. No power. No money. No status. No exceptional thing that would allow me to circumvent the laws of capitalism, the laws of nature. The strong have always eaten the weak. Such is life. Technology has streamlined the process, ensuring there is no fair fight to be had. You see, most of the time, the tiger wins. Rends the flesh, gets the prize, but sometimes... sometimes. The beasts fight back. They work together. They stand an outside chance of winning.
Now, our overlords can't have that possiblity existing can they? They don't intend to put themselves in play on the field of battle and risk the chance of losing it ALL. They will only play the game when the game is rigged. The land itself comes first. They poison the water, the air, the food to ensure no one truly strong exists to oppose them. They divide and weaken, they distract and devour.
Then comes the confusion. They change the language of the world. Make you uncertain of everything to such a degree that you no longer trust yourself, or others, and you have no way to know what truth is any longer.
Then comes the dependency. They give you just enough to feel like that kind of power is within your grasp. That a faint possiblity that YOU one day could be in the spaces they occupy. They give you enough to survive and perpetuate the lie. They encourage you to spread it far and wide, they encourage you to become like them if you want to get ahead. They encourage you to idolize them until you no longer believe in the spiritual gods. You only believe in the money gods. Living pharaohs walking among us. You will steady yourself on bread, water and cold gravel, dreaming of a better tomorrow. Dreaming of they things they promised you.
Then comes the foot soldiers. Loyal broken beasts they employee to act as another level of control. To ensure you fall in line, either with constant reinforcement of the propaganda they utilize or by force, to bash your skull into concrete for daring to stand against them. You fight with words and heart, they fight with money and violence, murdering hurting and harming you all the while gleefully clapping and pointing whenever one of you gets lucky enough to land a punch.
"Look at the EVIL HATEFUL people that would harm us! That mass murdering CEO or bought and paid for government official HAD A FAMILY!"
You did too. They don't care about YOUR family. Not if denying your medical care makes another million for them. They would happily watch your mother die in a hospital bed while you weep and curse the world that would be this unjust. That would ALLOW this, passively, to happen to so many of us, to so many people we love.
Now they take the field of war. Now killing you is easy. Now you are buried by so much toil and suffering, so much pain and grief, so many lies and false promises that you are nearing the end of the cycle,
two doors remain.
Nihilism, or Apathy.
Either you reach your limit under compression and can no longer be crushed, propelling you towards rage, indignation and violent response to those who would do you harm while pretending to do you a kindness,
Or you simply become compressed and live through it somehow. You no longer care about the evil done to you and around you. You no longer feel guilt or sorrow or pleasure or pain, your everything goes blank into a white noise void, you touch No Mind and try to hold on to it as long as you can until they monetize your last breath.
This is the funnel through which everything pours. This is the treadmill that gradually reduces, decaying and disintegrating from the heels up as we walk, and turn to powder, heels then ankles then hips then heart then head, powering the soulless thing all the while, unable to escape, never to know what it might be to die with dignity, or to be truly free.
Another urn.
Another gravestone.
Another invoice,
more blood and bones for the machine.